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  • May 13th, 2015. Cimtec Migration Symposium

            On Wednesday, CIMTEC hosted a symposium focused around the efficient and economical way for migration of PLC’s. Over thirty engineers were in attendance, all focused on enhancing their technological capabilities. With the help of CIMTEC, and several valuable team members, we have informed these engineers of the economical, efficient, and safe way to migrate from older obsolete systems to the state of the art technology provided by GE. The goal of the symposium was to help these businessmen who need to migrate their current PLC structure, and offer viable and sustainable options on how to transition from technology of old to the state of the art platform that is offered by CIMTEC and General Electric. CIMTEC and General Electric offer complete backward compatibility, which gives businessmen a safety net when making the transition to new technology. In addition, the migration path from a legacy GE PLC to their state-of-the-art Rx3i PAC system is straight-forward, providing the shortest path to full migration and the most economical path.  The advantage of CIMTEC became very clear to the businessmen, CIMTEC holds the unique ability of selling, maintaining, and up-keeping the PLC control system for its clients. Most of the businessmen were thrilled to hear of the success CIMTEC has had for similar businesses. We want to thank everyone for coming out today! The event was a huge success!

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