Image-based Code readers
Performance and versatility are combined with image-based code readers. They scan several code types, including 1D or 2D codes, DPM codes, and tiny codes, in demanding applications. Regardless of the marking technique and surface, the cameras can also distinguish between colored and damaged codes. This guarantees excellent read rates even at fast speeds and with the codes' changing rotational locations.
Nonstop code reading flexibility
- 2/4 megapixel resolution; high frame repetition rate of 40 Hz
- Dynamic focus adjustment from object to object
- Integrated high-power LED illumination
- Function buttons, aiming laser, optical and acoustic feedback signal
- Intelligent, rapid decoding algorithms

Perfect sight - in any light
- High performance DPM decoder
- Immune to ambient light
- Powerful LEDs in red, blue, infrared
- Extensive optical accessories such as polarizing filter or dome attachment
- Setup wizard with auto focus, aiming laser, green feedback LED
- Innovative data handling with sorting, filtering, and output formatting functions

Lector 61x
The small device for miniature codes and much more
- Powerful DPM code reader
- Compact design
- Snap-in mounting done in seconds
- Focus position can be adjusted manually or automatically via liquid lens technology
- Controllable multi-color lights with optional polarizing filter
- Magnifier effect for detection of the smallest codes
- Easy auto set-up
- Integrated laser distance measurement (ToF)

Grid localizations with that certain something
- Variable reading distances of 50 mm to 500 mm
- Reads Data Matrix and QR code labels
- Small housing with rotatable plug unit and or plug unit with flexible cable routing
- Integrated angle measurement as alignment aid for mounting
- Simple, reliable parameter back-up
- No sensitivity to ambient light

Intelligent. Flexible. Intuitive.
- Code reader with up to 2-megapixel sensor
- Flexible optics and filter design
- Integrated, replaceable high-power illumination
- Intuitive user interface, with flexible result string with code analysis options
- Function buttons, aiming laser, acoustic feedback signal, and green feedback LED
- microSD memory card

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CIMTEC has developed an extensive product offering through partnerships with industry leading manufacturers. With extensive experience in the industry, count on us to meet your needs while improving your facility’s operation and efficiency.
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