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  • UR and MiR Robots Become The Institute for Advanced Learning and Research’s (IALR) Newest Member

With the advent of industry 4.0 and exponentially advancing technology, the manufacturing sector has grown into an extremely high-tech field with specialized talent needs, especially in the critical skill shortage areas of manufacturing engineering.

CIMTEC Automation worked with AMTEK to bring collaborative robots to the classroom for IALR. The goal was to supply IALR with robots that will give their students experience with real world applications. MiR and UR are leading the world in the collaborative robot revolution that’s making automation solutions available to companies of all sizes. Schools across the nation are looking to robots to give their students a clear advantage when they graduate and start their job searches.

UR robots are used throughout the education, scientific, and research communities to create a foundation for accurate information-gathering and analysis, to develop new technologies, and to educate future generations. The MiR robots are autonomous robots designed to optimize the productivity in logistics and manufacturing operations. With the synchronization UR Cap you can easily connect the two, enabling a handshake between the MiR and UR.

Safe Around Students

A risk assessment of your facility is done to ensure students will be safe while working around the robots. These robots are intuitive and easy-to-program cobots, are used in vocational and technical programs to teach valuable and up-to-date automation skills and help address the manufacturing skills gap.

Universal Robots offers special educational pricing, give us a call, and let one of our engineers show you a demo, 877.524.6832


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