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  • Horner APG Operator Control Station (OCS)

Facility management is always looking for ways to consolidate equipment, streamline processes, and provide their operators with the right information about their production lines. Horner APG manufactures a line of operator control stations (OCS) that combines a traditional controller programmed with ladder logic with a user interface, input/output (I/O) and networking functionality into a single unit. The Horner OCS units are controlled using industry-recognized software package called Cscape.™ Cscape supports ladder logic, operator interface development, I/O configuration network configuration, and security features. Horner products provide benefits to both original equipment manufacturers (OEM) and end users. Horner offers three levels of OCS systems: the XLe, the NX Graphical, and the QX ColorTouch.

Horner products provide benefits to both original equipment manufacturers (OEM) and end users. Horner offers three levels of OCS systems: the XLe, the NX Graphical, and the QX ColorTouch.

XLE Operator Control Station

For operators with budget concerns, the XLe OCS provides a compact and affordable solution. The XLe is compact (3.75” X 3.75”), and combines the functionality of a micro programmable logic controller (PLC) and an operator user interface for less than the cost of those two components purchased separately. The XLe has a graphical user interface (GUI) so operators can have better process visualization and notification of machine status. In terms of I/O, the XLe has up to 42 integrated I/O, which can be expanded with additional I/O hardware. The XLe has two serial ports and supports Ethernet, wireless, and telephone modem options for connectivity. For data storage and program updates, the XLe contains a removable MicroSD™ memory card.

NX Graphical Operator Control Station

If you need more display functionality than the XLe OCS but budget is still a concern, the NX Graphical OCS is capable of displaying complex graphical objects on either a 240×128 or 128×64 LCD screens with user assigned soft keys. The NX Graphical OCS includes Ethernet and web server connectivity capabilities and utilizes Horner’s selection of snap-on and distributed I/O. The NX Graphical OCS contains a full alarming package, along with downloadable fonts and the ability to select from four different languages, so it can be used in your plants around the world.


QX Color-Touch Operator Control Station

When you need to display complex information and control options for your operators, Horner’s QX Color-Touch OCS series provides fast performance and SVGA resolution touch XLe Operator Control Station NX Graphical Operator Control Station QX Color-Touch Operator Control Station screens. The QX Color-Touch handles a 0.2mS/K logic scan rate and fast screen updates. Bright TFT screens with 32K color capability are available in three sizes for the QX ColorTouch models: 8.4”, 10.4”, and 12.1”. The QX models contain embedded Ethernet, and also support remote data access, hosting HTML-based Web pages, and FTP sites. I/O can be expanded through Horner’s snap-on I/O modules and on remote fiber optic bases. Horner’s optional Video Backpack product allows the QX Color-Touch supports up to four NTSC/PAL video inputs.

Horner OCS products have been used in a variety of applications and industries, from semiconductor applications and motion control to mobile machinery and water treatment facilities.

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