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  • LMI Technologies Announces Gocator Firmware Release 3.3

LMI Technologies has announced the release of Gocator Firmware Version 3.3.  This firmware release is for all series of Gocators, the 2000 series family and the 2300 series family.  The release includes these highlights:LMI Gocator

  • EtherNet/IP:  Gocator is now officially certified for EtherNet/IP use in controlling and communicating with a PLC.  This ensures that the Gocator can be easily integrated with a wide range of PLCs, including Allan-Bradley and Omron, using this industry standard protocol.  No software programming is required!
  • Gap and Flush Measurement Tool:  Measures the distance and flatness between two surfaces. The surface edges can be curved or sharp. The tool is well suited for inspecting panel assemblies in automotive manufacturing plants. Limits can be set to establish pass and fail conditions for inspection decisions.
  • Groove Measurement Tool: Measures the width and bottom of multiple V-shape and U-shape grooves. It can be used to find the vertex for welding applications or inspecting the dimensions of tunnels on a surface, such as the bottom of plastic containers or the treads of rubber tires. Limits can be set to establish pass and fail conditions for inspection decisions.
  • Rotated Box Measurement Tool: Expands Whole Part’s bounding box tools to measure the width and height of a rotated object. This can be used to measure the orientation angle, width and height of boxes in packaging applications.
  • Persistent Variables in Script Measurement Tools: Expands the script measurement tool to carry intermediate results from the current frame to the next frame. Users can calculate statistics (e.g. averages) or accumulate results. For example, users can calculate the volume of an object by adding up the area from each cross section.
  • Occlusion Prevention with Two Sensors: Eliminate occlusions by merging data from a main and buddy sensors. Regions that are shadowed by step changes in the surface in both X and Y directions can now be seen, greatly enhancing the accuracy of 3D measurements.
  • Measurement Repeatability Statistics: The number of invalid results and standard deviations are now calculated for each measurement. These statistics provide users immediate feedback on measurement repeatability, greatly simplifying the process of fine-tuning a setup to achieve the most reliable results.
  • Frame Loss Health Indicators: New counters report the amount of data loss due to jitter in external signals when using fixturing or tracking window. Reduces integration effort by alerting users of potential setup problems earlier to reduce the time needed for troubleshooting setup issues.
  • Multiple Control Connections using SDK: The Gocator sensor now supports multiple simultaneous connections from the client computer running the Gocator SDK. This allows one application to be used for changing the sensors’ configuration or the state of the sensor, while at the same time supporting multiple applications for receiving data and health information. Clients can optionally use exclusive connections (i.e. behavior of the previous releases) by using the Go2System_Login command.

Contact us today to learn more about LMI Technologies’ Gocator 3D Smart Sensor!

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