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  • Emerson Automation PAC Systems Guide Form Specification Released

Emerson Automation has released the 2020 version of the Emerson Automation PAC Systems Guide Form Specification.  This specification covers the technical requirements for an industrial control system used to execute critical control over a process or a machine.  The PACSystems specification covers hardware, software, and networking requirements for control systems in simplex mode and in high availability configurations.

The Emerson Guide Form Specification is design for engineering firms and engineers who would like to specify the Emerson Automation family of PAC Controllers, and gives them all the tools and verbiage needed to include in the system specs.  The guide is complete with a complete listing of all Manufacturer’s Standards to which the PAC Systems adhere, Overviews of various Systems Architectures including simplex and High-Availability architectures, and various System Configurations.  The Guide Form also outlines Fixed Backplane Controllers like the Rx3i family,  Stand alone Controllers for Simplex, Rackless Controllers for High-Availability including the CPL410, Edge Controllers, I/O Systems, Industrial Ethernet Switches, Security and Industrial IOT features.

Click the following to go to the Emerson Automation Guideform Specifications

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