MiR250 Hook is ideal for a wide range of towing jobs, such as efficiently moving heavy products between locations in a manufacturing facility or warehouse or moving linen and food carts in hospitals. The MiR250 Hook supports

The automation industry is constantly bringing our customers new innovative ways to use machines for their production needs. The Epson SCARA Robot and Flexibowl have been working together delivering accurate feeding solutions to the manufacturing world for

Tired of seeing the limited choices out there for a paint robot with precise control and quality? Kawasaki changes the game. CIMTEC has partnered with Kawasaki Robots for years and we are excited about this new innovative

The C12XL 6-axis robot from Epson Robots is the company’s highest payload, highest reach robot and CIMTEC engineers are excited about this one! With its high reach and lightweight body, this robot is ready to work for

How can you fully utilize only the information you need from scattered big data? The SP5000 Series from Pro-face provides Smart Portal, a window that optimally displays information in response to a demand for increasingly sophisticated information utilization

Visual Components is an invaluable tool for automation facilities to see, in 3D, what can be realized for their production lines. Our CIMTEC engineers often have customers that need more than a robot, or vision system, they